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TI-83/TI-84 BASIC Tutorial #2


Now you should be past the basic commands of displaying text. Now you need ot learn about variables. To use most of them, you need to use the STO arrow which looks like so: STO Arrow There are 13 (plus three more for the TI-83+ which have a light green background) types of variables. I copied the following chart directly from the TI-83+ book.

Variable TypeNames
Real numbersA, B,..., Z
Complex numbersA, B,..., Z
Matrices[A], [B], [C],..., [J]
ListsL1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, and user-defined names
FunctionsY1, Y2,... Y9, Y0
Parametric equationsX1T and Y1T,..., X6t and Y6T
Polar Functionsr1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6
Sequence functionsu, v, w
Stat PlotsPlot1, Plot2, Plot3
Graph databasesGDB1, GDB2,..., GDB9, GDB0
Graph picturesPic1, Pic2,..., Pic9, Pic0
StringsStr1, Str2,..., Str9, Str0
AppVarsApplication variables
GroupsGrouped Variables
System variablesXmin, Xmax, and others

The first two TI-83+ exclusive variables can not really be stored to by the user. To modify the third TI-83+ variable (Group), go to [2nd][MEM]>Group…. Number variables can be used in place of numbers in most cases. The remaining variables except Functions should be stored to with the STO arrow. Example:

:1STO ArrowA
:A+21STO ArrowA
"STO ArrowStr1
:Disp A,Str1
Guess how this shows up..

Functions are a litle different than the other variables. To store to them, you put the function's name, an equal sign, and the function you want to store. Ex:
I can't think of a use in a program for a function that wouldn't require me to draw a graph, so that's all I have for an example.

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