Rock Jocks

Eddie Webb
2pm - 6pm
Eddie Despite our repeated offers to Gilbert Gottfried, Eddie Webb has joined the cast of Rock 103.5 in the role of station athletic supporter and benevolent dictator of afternoon drive.

Eddie's previous jobs include college athlete, afternoon guy for some radio station in the middle of the fricking desert, and keeping scantily clad groupies off Axl Rose.

No, seriously -- Eddie worked for the Gunners, and for Skid Row too, before spending three years as drive time host on KUPD-Phoenix. Eddie was the voice of the NHL Phoenix Coyotes, has done interviews for nationally syndicated broadcasts, and one time got to stand next to Dick Clark. Eddie's on-air style has been described by members of the press as "organized chaos" and his knowledge of useless rock trivia is unparalleled.

We're proud to welcome Eddie Webb to the Rock, if for no other reason than because he's a helluva lot easier on the eyes than the last guy.

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